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Open Call

Art Lab Frankfurt


A call for an artistic residency is open for the selection of an Artist or Company within the Creative Europe project “Common Ground - democratic dialogue in public space through expressive arts”.

The residency is aimed at Artists or Companies that have a street show in an advanced stage of creation and need a last creative impulse.

We are looking for works from the field of performing arts, theatre and dance by emerging local and international artists which are either already designed for public space or can be easily adapted to local conditions. The work should use artistic tools and forms of expression in order to create new and different perspectives and evoke dialogue and discussion in and about public space.

The residency will take place within the Framework of "Winterwerft - International Theatre Festival and Laboratory" from 22.01.24 to 11.02.24 and the result will be exhibited to the public in the frame of the festival.

The Residence consists of:

  • the use of the protagon kulturgelände structure space for 80 hours concentrated in the above mentioned period.

  • including 10 hours of artistic advice by antagon theaterAKTion

  • 8 hours of technical advice and

  • 500 euros of financial compensation.


The company undertakes to present the result of its work within the framework of the Festival. Date and time will be jointly agreed on.



The call will be open from the day of its publication until 01.12.24.

The result of the call will be communicated on 15.12.24

Your application for the
Art Lab in Frankfurt
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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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